Telcos play a major role in AI revolution and creating a digital life platform

Telcos play a major role in AI revolution

Telecom operators play a major role in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution by providing the needed connectivity and infrastructure, including access between the different entities in the digital ecosystem to create a digital life platform, highlighted Khalifa Al Shamsi, Chief Strategy & Governance Officer, Etisalat Group.

Al Shamsi was part of a panel discussion held today focusing on ‘AI, Cybersecurity and digitisation enablers: Challenges & Expectations’ at the fourth edition of the ‘Knowledge Summit’ organised by Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation (MBRF). The theme this year is ‘Knowledge and the Fourth Industrial Revolution’ taking place from 21-22 November in Dubai and will study the impact of the fourth industrial revolution on different sectors as it continues to focus on all aspects of life for individuals, institutions and nations.

The panel discussion gathered senior executives from the industry and focused on the role of telecom operators in protecting digital security, hacking concerns as a hurdle towards broader IoT adoption, enablers for the AI revolution when it comes to capability and infrastructure, the movement towards a safe digital community, role of telcos in the AI revolution.

Khalifa Al Shamsi, Chief Strategy & Governance Officer, Etisalat Group pointed out, he said: “Telcos today a play a major role in the AI revolution as it plays a critical role in enhancing customer experience, efficiency, reducing costs, increasing compliance and most of all eliminating human errors. Etisalat today can provide the needed connectivity and infrastructure including access to massive data points and the linkage between different entities in the digital ecosystem to facilitate the digital life platform.

“Our corporate strategy is focusing on driving the digital future which requires technologies like AI to bring in technology advancement and level of maturity in our services and solutions. It is essential we make the relevant collaborations and partnerships amongst industry technology leaders, governments, infrastructure providers and operators in steering AI initiatives towards greater benefit and to accelerate their adoption. Policy making, regulation and governing framework will work in line to make this accessible to all end-users.”


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