The prime minister and his delegation’s in official visit to the UAE have hosted a ceremony on 10th of April 2018, at St Regis Hotel Dubai. During his speech, the Prime Minister Dr the honourable Timothy S Harris has thanked the citizens of St Kitts & Nevis and investors for having participated in the economic development and sustainability of the country. The Caribbean Islands sovereign state St Kitts & Nevis, have been recovering from the devastating effects of Hurricanes Maria & Irma occurred in October 2017.
Therefore, this event was to host the prime minister’s proud announcement of the completion of the Hurricane Relief Fund project, as well as new forms of investments in the islands dedicated to sustainable growth like education, healthcare and alternative energies. The first class program will maintain its high standards in terms of integrity, rigor and due diligence, while keeping very competitive pricing.
St Kitts & Nevis is one of the pioneers in the Citizenship by Investment Industry. Most guests who attended this event were Middle Eastern natives, holding the St Kitts passport as a second nationality acquired by such investment.
RIF TRUST Investments and Range Development – both leaders of the ‘Citizenship by Investment’ industry have received an honorary award, as they chose to focus on the St Kitts program in solidarity with the Hurricane Relief Fund.
”In the last 5 months we have submitted to more than 100 applications for St Kitts and Nevis, the success of this program is also due to a smooth process and its very attractive pricing. We can see today more and more interest on investing in real estate programs such as luxury resorts shares so applicants can also expect a return on their investments.” Said David Regueiro, COO of RIF TRUST.
”We have pushed the program of St Kitts knowing the fund allocation would be more than useful to rebuild both islands. Our clients are mostly from the Middle East and while acquiring a second nationality makes their life easier in terms of travel and freedom, they also are contributing to a very noble cause. We are very honored to receive this appreciation award, it is for us a recognition of our constant hard work to deliver the best service to our clients” Added Mimoun Assraoui CEO of RIF TRUST.